zaama social media Munathara debate youth Tunisia 2023 opinion makers
الأربعاء 15 مارس 2023

عرف قطاع التربية والتعليم في تونس  تحولات كبيرة منذ الاستقلال بإقرار إلزامية تعميمه ومجانيته، ولليوم بخضوعه لبرامج إصلاح متعددة للتطوير في المنظومة التعليمية والحفاظ على المكاسب اللي حظى بيها القطاع كقاعدة فكرية وسياسية لصناعة جيل جديد متعلم ومثقف.

zaama social media Munathara debate youth Tunisia 2023 opinion makers
الأربعاء 15 مارس 2023

The education sector in Tunisia has undergone significant transformations since independence with the introduction of compulsory and free education.

zaama opinion makers debate youth tunisia 2023
الأربعاء 08 مارس 2023

Tunisia has committed, since its independence, to a range of laws and treaties to protect women's rights and grant them equal rights with men in work, education, politics, and social life.

zaama opinion makers debate  tunisia 2023
الأربعاء 01 مارس 2023

تعتبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي من أهم التطورات التكنولوجية اللي شهدها العالم في العقود الأخيرة، وين تغيرت بيها طريقة التفاعل بين الأفراد والمجتمعات وحتى العائلة.

zaama opinion makers debate  tunisia 2023
الاثنين 06 مارس 2023

Social media is considered one of the most important technological developments that the world has witnessed in recent decades. It has changed the way individuals, communities, and even families interact with each other.

الأربعاء 22 فبراير 2023

This is the topic of the third episode of the program "Zaama", discussed by the debaters: Sajja Al-Hajj Tayeb from the support team, accompanied by Adnan Al-Moulihi, Arij Al-Sousi, and their guest, the doctor and civil activist Amir Al-Halawi.

صناع الرأي : تونس ولبنان

صنّاع الرأي هو مشروع شبابي يهدف إلى تعزيز ثقافة المناظرات في تونس ولبنان، من خلال تمكين جيل جديد من قادة الرأي لتشكيل نقاشات وطنية مهمة. وسعياً لتحقيق هذا الهدف، سيقوم المشروع بتوسيع المساحات العامة للحوار؛ تعزيز المشاركة المدنية للأصوات الاقل سماعا، ولا سيما أصوات النساء والشباب والمجتمعات المهمشة ؛ تعزيز الحوكمة المسؤولة من خلال المشاركة البناءة بين المسؤولين والمواطنين؛ ودعم قادة الرأي الناشئين في المنطقة.


Opinion Makers : Tunisia & Lebanon 2023-2025

Opinion Makers is a youth-oriented project that aims to strengthen the debate culture in Tunisia and Lebanon by empowering a new generation of opinion leaders to shape important national conversations. In pursuing this objective, Opinion Makers will expand public spaces for conversation, foster civic participation of underrepresented voices and marginalized communities, promote accountable governance through constructive engagement between duty-bearers and citizens, and give rise to and support emerging opinion leaders in the region.

The project targets the most underserved individuals and communities, including youth, women, and marginalized groups (YWM), to not only become active participants in these conversations but to also train and equip them to become opinion leaders capable of shaping key national discourses and holding authorized bodies accountable in the coming years and well into the future. 

The project’s duration is 2 and a half years, starting in 2023. Each year, Opinion Makers will start with a competition where candidates submit audiovisual and written content through an online form. After two stages of pre-selection, 30 participants will be chosen, after which they will receive media and debate skills training.

Opinion Makers will produce more than 70 prime-time and public interest-themed televised talk shows, to be aired by multiple channels simultaneously. Moreover, the project will provide all the needed support to the selected youth in the hope they become future national leaders by working on their public image and on their social media throughout the duration of the project. In addition to their media appearances through weekly episodes of televised debates that discuss several public issues in Lebanon & Tunisia.


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الأحد 29 مايو 2022

"الفساد" ظاهرة عالمية تنتشر في جميع المجتمعات بغض النظر عن مدى تقدمها أو تراجعها وتتفاوت هذه الظاهرة من حيث الحجم والدرجة بين مجتمع وآخر.


الأحد 29 مايو 2022

Corruption is an internationally spread phenomenon that can exist in every society, disregarding how developed or underdeveloped they are, which varies in size and degree between different cultures. The “MENA” region states suffer from stalled/ ineffective efforts to fight corruption.

اثنين ثلاثاء أربعاء خميس جمعة سبت أحد